Nunez all over the Fenway diamond, Skeleton, NBA All-Star Weekend, and more!

Feb 16, 2018, 04:47 PM


Gregg Sussman, Corey Parson, and Matt Modica look at some of the big MLB news, including Eduardo Nunez signing with the Red Sox; Matt says he is worth a pick up in that he can play anywhere in the infield and will get at-bats. Heading over to the olympics, the guys look back at the Skeleton event, with Corey wondering why anyone would do these dangerous events. NBA All-Star Weeked is upon, and we have latest on the Rising Stars Challenge, Slam Dunk Contest, and the LeBron vs. Steph event!

#FNTSY #MLB #RedSox #Orioles #EduardoNunez #Olympics #Skeleton #NBAAllStarGame #SlamDunkContest #RisingStars