Vent Line; Most Likely To ______; Bachelor Wrap: SHOWcast 03/06/2018

Mar 06, 2018, 03:51 PM


More snow was expected in KC today, so it's a cold #TheShowKC. The first half hour has Truta trying to figure out a child's tongue twister based on Sixpence None the Richer...which we figure out later was "sing a song of sixpence." Entertainment News brought us the story of the Oscar Stealer. Someone brings up being voted Most Likely To Succeed. We wonder if anyone on The Show made those lists. Both Jen and Truta's schools did not do them, and Joey didn't make the cut. One texter's kid was voted Most Likely to Join the Army -- and he's going to when he graduates! Jen's dad was voted Most Likely to use a flip phone, and that has us reminiscing about our first cell phones. The Vent Line opens with thoughts on people who don't use their blinkers, people who take enormous amounts of selfies, and the WIND! Haha - that was a good one. Nobody on The Show likes the Bachelor, but we heard last night's finale was particularly cringeworthy, so we dial up our Bachelor expert - Natalie Rush from the afternoon show who fills us in all of the Arie goodness. We'll have to watch again tonight on Round 2! See you tomorrow!