Kiran Parara is not a person. It’s a concept, an embodiment of anyone who has the STRENGTH OF IRON IN HER BLOOD. She is strong, dynamic, a go getter with a cause. She not only handles the house with ease but is a master at work. She gets things done and feels great about it.
The 12g/dl is the minimum level of iron needed to classify one’s self as non-anaemic. Thus we create a movement with that single minded objective: All the women of India should have 12+ level of iron…and so for all the NAARIS, we will shout the BARAAH KA NAARA!
Social Media - Fb/Insta/Twitter - rjakkiiredfm, Snapchat - rj.akki
#KiranParara #BaaraKaNaara #RedKaBachelor #Redfm #Pune #BajaateRaho