Literary Loitering 82 - Peter Rabbit's Soul-Sucking Eldritch Abomination

Apr 01, 2018, 10:51 PM


We begin this episode with the shocking revelation that schools are teaching children to not only read classic literature, but to understand it as well.

The surprises continue when we discover a surprising inclusion in an Indian children’s book about inspirational leaders, and that Beatrix Potter probably wouldn’t have been happy with the new Peter Rabbit movie. Then, after a brief interlude on Broadway for a “controversial” new production of To Kill a Mockingbird it’s off to Paris, France for some naked art tourism.

Our featured books are The Universe and Me by Toria Garbutt followed by a bit of Sparring with Gil Kane: Debating the History and Aesthetics of Comics by Gil Kane and Gary Groth, after which Andrew got bored and moved on to post-apocalypses and zombies in Salvation City Chronicles by Leon Brown.

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