WMAL Interview - MD Del. NIC KIPKE - 04.03.18

Apr 03, 2018, 01:41 PM


INTERVIEW - MD Delegate NIC KIPKE - House Republican Leader, Maryland General Assembly and Minority Leader in the MD House of Delegates – discussed what is left on the legislative agenda for the remainder of the Maryland General Assembly, the possibility of decreasing state taxes, and the proposal to make it illegal for employers to ask prospective employees about salary history

•    Guns, taxes, Obamacare fix: Maryland General Assembly has much to resolve in final week (The Baltimore Sun) -- Maryland state lawmakers have just a week left to resolve some of the costliest and most controversial problems of the year: shoring up Obamacare, alleviating an expected rise in income taxes, expanding the medical marijuana industry and bolstering school safety. If compromises aren’t reached by April 9, state residents could pay tens of millions more in taxes next year, the individual insurance market could collapse, minority-owned firms could remain shut out of the lucrative marijuana industry and Maryland would have missed the opportunity to respond to public outrage over school shootings. Democratic leaders say they’re hopeful Maryland’s 188 lawmakers can agree on solutions, especially since the election year stakes are so high.