Episode 125 - Han Crow-lo

May 18, 2018, 12:57 PM


We open the show with the Lauren / Yanny controversy, some random chit chat that devolves into bodily fluids, T.I.'s arrest (and Autumn's Tiny impression), misheard song lyrics, Atlanta strip clubs and more. Mr. Andrews eats some space crow. After MONTHS of stating he'd not see "Solo", he saw "Solo". Did he love it? Tim & Autumn sing as Michael McDonald, Jeff reads all the network shows cancelled in the 2018 Great Showpocalypse. Sean Hannity gives shout outs to the Radio Labyrinth Patrons.

#Solo #BarryHBO #Westworld #DonaldGlover #TI #Atlanta #StripClub #StarWars #MichaelMcDonald #DoneDisappeared #Brooklyn99 #TheMick #LastManOnEarth #Fox #ABC #TheExpanse #HereandNow #AshVsEvilDead #Homeland #BroadCity #MarvelsInhumans #HapAndLeonard #TheLastShip #FearTheWalkingDead #Legion #Billions #Roseanne #TheTerror #SNL #AmySchumer #AHandmaidsTale #SexInTheCity #JoshBrolin #Farenheit451 #TheCarbonaroEffect #Recappables #TheRoyalWedding