Episode 038: Navy Collisions At Sea And Courts-Martial
Weirick is joined by Hope Hodge Seck, journalist and managing editor at www.Military.com to discuss the courts-martial of Navy officers resulting from the deadly collisions of USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain.
Guest: Hope Hodge Seck
Twitter: @HopeSeck
Website: www.Military.com
Further reading about this case:
Podcast support from The Great Courses Plus.
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Host: James W. Weirick
Website: www.militaryjusticepodcast.com
Twitter: @PodcastMJ
Instagram: thepodcastmj
FaceBook: @MilitaryJusticePodcast
Email: weirick@weirick.com
Editing and Mixing:
Hannah McCarthy: @hmccarthyNHPR
For Advertising Inquiries Contact: weirick@weirick.com