Out Now 327: Incredibles 2

Jun 20, 2018, 02:42 AM


This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe has the gang prepped for an incredible return. Aaron and Abe are joined by David Yeh and Todd Gilchrist to discuss Incredibles 2, the Pixar sequel 14 years in the making. Listen in to hear plenty of discussion about the animated superhero flick and more. Among topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody (6:12), some Out Now Quickies™ (13:44), Trailer Talk for How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (21:49) and The Lego Movie: The Second Part (28:54), the main review (34:55), Games (1:09:00), and Out Now Feedback (1:17:40). We then wrap things up (1:37:35) and end on some bloopers (1:57:33), following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#Incredibles2 #Podcast #Pixar #Animation #OutNow #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #BradBird #TheIncredibles #Disney #HollyHunter #CraigTNelson #SamuelLJackson #Trailers #Movie #Film #Entertainment #SummerMovie #Blockbuster #Superhero #Bao #ActionComedy #EdnaMode #Sequel