Terry Crew Testifies About His Sexual Harassment

Season 1, Episode 66,   Jun 27, 2018, 08:51 PM

Plus a new report reveals that sexual harassment claims on airplanes are on the rise, a surprising young Democrat wins big in New York's primary, music legend Joe Jackson passes away, a NFL rookie buys his family a house, Instagram introduces new video features, major banks added robot tellers, climate change affects coffee suppliers, Cher comes to Broadway, how exercise can help Parkinson's disease, an expert shares his July 4th BBQ teams, Terry Crew testifies to about his sexual harassment, scientists reveal why we use "filler words", home town stories that will warm your heart, an author's award sparks controversy, an robot Instagram model goes viral, a study asks "are you cheap or just frugal"?, how to reduce wrinkles, the world's smallest coffee shop opens, a map app helps you adopt pets and more stories for June 27th, 2018. 


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