034 | Self Publishing & Laura Wilkinson Interviewed

Jul 09, 2018, 11:19 AM


We interview "The Kindle King" Kevin Long, founder of Babysteps Publishing and also the author of "The Prosecco Effect" Laura Wilkinson about the pros and cons of self-publishing.  Heather reads from her "Work In Progress", Theresa discusses her "Word Of The Week" and Nicola shares what's on her bedside table.

Write Club The Podcast is a weekly show for aspiring writers, published authors and readers everywhere. Join Stephanie Rouse, Theresa Stoker, Heather Worsley, Linda Jackim Werlein, Pat Woolfe & Nicola Cairncross each week where they'll share celebrity guest author readings and interviews, along with what they're reading, what they're writing and what it's really like to be a writer. You can join in the weekly "Name the Novel" quiz and find out "What's On The Bedside Table?".