Episode 136 - Wubba Lubba Stab Hole

Aug 03, 2018, 04:30 PM


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Steph returns from Detroit and we're joined by our new, occasional cohost, Dustin Lollar.

This week we talk TV, movies and podcasts: Basically, everything we consume with our eyes and ears. Everyone agrees Season 3 of Preacher is awesome, we all dug A Quiet Place, Roast Battle!, Sharp Objects, Wellington Paranormal, Roast of Bruce Willis, Orange is the New Black, Detroiters, MI: Fallout, Misfits & Monsters, Castle Rock, Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast, Inside Jaws and much much more. 

Tim breaks down the 4chan troll takedown of Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, complete with audio clips from Harmon's infamous, "Daryl" video and Roiland's creepy, "Unbelievable Tales" cartoon. Not for the faint of heart. We're in the middle of a left vs. right culture war where the only losers are fans of comedy.

Don't forget to Rate & Review us on iTunes! Five stars is nice, and your reviews even nicer! Leave one, choose a voice for Tim or Autumn, and we'll read and rate 'em!

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Jeff: Better Call Saul Aug. 6th 10 p.m AMC (Jesse and Walter appear this season?)  


Tim: Venture Bros? August 5th  


Steph: The Sinner- Season 2- Premiers tonight, August 1st on USA.  


#Preacher #CastleRock #Detroiters #OITNB #MissionImpossible #TomCruise #MisfitsAndMonsters #BobcatGoldthwait #GilbertGottfried #Jaws #InsideJaws #Netflix #Hulu #AmazonPrime #BruceWillis #AQuietPlace #HarlanEllison #TheSinner #USANetwork #TheVentureBrothers #AdultSwim #BetterCallSaul #AMC #SharpObjects #4Chan #DanHarmon #JustinRoiland #RickAndMorty