Mike Blewitt's Draft and NFL Preseason Week Three Recaps: Jets Vs Giants, Raiders Vs Packers

Aug 25, 2018, 05:08 PM


Mike Blewitt and George Kurtz break down the preseason game between the Giants and the Jets, examining the standout players from both sides including Odell Beckham Jr., Sam Darnold, Bilal Powell, & More. Then, they review some of the picks from Mike Blewitt's draft and break down the preseason game between the Packers and Raiders.

#FNTSY #FNTSYRadio #NFL #FantasyFootball #NewYorkGiants #NewYorkJets #Drafts #OdellBeckhamJr #SamDarnold #BilalPowell #GreenBayPackers #oaklandRaiders