Out Now Bonus: Interview with Terence Johnson, Creator of The Vampyr Resistance Corps

Sep 20, 2018, 06:00 PM


This special bonus Out Now with Aaron and Abe episode is another filmmaker interview. Aaron and Abe have been joined in the past by Terence Johnson as a guest, but now he’s the subject of the show, as his new series, The Vampyr Resistance Corps is set to debut on YouTube September 26. As the creator, showrunner, and director, there’s plenty for Terence to discuss with the guys about what is going on with this vampire-focused web series, and the production process behind it. Listen in to hear all about the origins, writing process, filmmaking equipment, neat stories and more. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…

#TheVampyrResistanceCorps #TerenceJohnson #Interview #Podcast #Webseries #Vampire #Vampyr #VRCSeries #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #OutNow #Entertainment #YouTube