Episode 317 :: The Boy Who Pooped on a Mountain
Brandon has returned from his trip to Scotland. Did our resident renegade glean any culture while on his first trip overseas? We're not 100% sure, but he definitely left his mark: he pooped on a mountain! Well, more like a hill; but you have to understand, Floridian standards for elevated landmasses are a bit out of whack. Hear tales of enchanted gastrointestinal distress, fried pizza, castles, and, yes: birds.
We also discuss camping at Camp Crystal Lake (the video game kind) with Friday the 13th: The Game, MMO woes, the continuing saga of Adventure Time, and other flotsam from the ocean of nerdy pop culture.
For links and more info visit the main episode page: https://nerdyshow.com/2018/10/nerdy-show-317-the-boy-who-pooped-on-a-mountain