EP019 - Off My Chest Podcast
This week, the guys cover them crashing them the Chiefs game for Sunday night football and the craziness that ensued (alcohol was involved, as always). We also have our Fantasy Football buddy Ray on to talk about the upcoming weeks fantasy plays.
The boys also talk about what they would buy with 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!
We also have a TON of Bullshi*t to cover this week:
People framing their dead relatives tattoos to remember them!
A man trades his dead wife for an XBOX
Sarah Silverman and Louie CK share a moment ( a real tear “jerker”)
A girl marries her best friends dad because why not!?
So sit back. Grab a beer and join the guys in some "Beers, Sports, and Other Bullshi*t" Thanks again for listening.
Don't forget you can write us at omcpod@gmail.com or tweet us @OMCPOD on twitter! We'll talk about it on the next episode.
Hosts - Bryce Meehan: @brycemeehan Alex Hebert: @ratpacker99
Don’t forget you can listen to us on all major platforms. Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play.
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