Episode 152 - Stories Fables Ghostly Tales | The Tale Teller - Wood be Fury
Episode 152, Nov 13, 2017, 12:00 AM
Original Story - The Tale Teller
Author: Jayce York
Author: Jayce York
Welcome Listeners! BOOM! It's Monday :D I hope your day starts with a bang; this story with hopefully launch you into a thriller-esque mood. We have another story from Jayce York, the Tale Teller is back, and ready to bring some new dangerous creatures to their knees.
This time there we have a double up, two short stories in one, crammed with action :D I hope you enjoy it listeners.
Remember, hop on to #Soundcloud if you like to let me know what you think "The Cleaner" story will be about :P you supporters are just amazing.
Thank you all so much for listening!
Send me your own stories and recommendations here: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
Send me your own stories and recommendations here: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
Go on, leave an iTunes Review: goo.gl/Bw4kXP
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#Vidme: vid.me/StoriesFablesGhostlyTales
All Music and Public Domain:
CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z
CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z