Episode 131 - Stories Fables Ghostly Tales | The Other side of the Grave [PART 1]

Episode 131,   Oct 12, 2017, 12:00 AM

The Other side of the Grave [PART 1]
Author: M59Gar
#Nosleep Link: https://goo.gl/Td9Zex
Send me your own stories and recommendations here: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
A college student dropout contemplates whether life is worth living, and decides to end it all. The journey he takes in following the actions they carried out from those thoughts is jaw dropping to say the least, and definitely unique. M59Gar is a fantastic writer and really knows how to captivate the reader; I hope you enjoy listening to this, as much as I did reading it. I won't go any further so as not to ruin the story - this is PART 1 of a series, so stay tuned for next episode for the continuation.
Thank you all for listening!
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CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z
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