Episode 319 :: NC Comicon X: Innocent Target

Nov 14, 2018, 05:00 AM


We're on the road! And you might be too! Incept your commute by driving along with us driving and recapping our adventures at NC Comicon and beyond.

Cap, Tony, and Doug share their highlights from North Carolina Comicon, Bull City in Durham, NC - the Willow 30th anniversary event, the Lightning Dogs, the pals, the panels, and the wretchedly delightful late nights of bad movies. What's more, it's been a while since this particular trio has been the spotlight of a Nerdy Show episode, so we delve into our latest life happenings.

We discuss quality films of old to counteract the recap of terrible VHS feature Fugitive X: Innocent Target, share massive life changes, and peek behind the curtain of The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program series 2.

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: https://nerdyshow.com/2018/11/nerdy-show-319-nc-comicon-x-innocent-target