Episode 152 - Comics, Movies & More with Bryan Silverbax

Nov 24, 2018, 03:58 PM


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Twitter: @Radio_Labyrinth, @timandrewshere, @jeffKeyz, @autopritts, @stepholumpagus

This week's guest: Bryan Silverbax - Twitter @SilverBaXart, Website http://silverbax.com/

Ray Liotta quits smoking with Chantix! Tim and Jeff are joined by local artist, Bryan Silverbax. Bryan talks about what it's like working for trading card companies like Topps and Upper Deck. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Zombieland 2? Steph's awful vegan waffles. Yum! Tim tapped maple trees with his grandfather (to make maple syrup), complaining about the Atlanta Falcons and fantasy football. Bryan tells us about fantasy movie leagues. PLUS: Lots of comic book talk, MCU, DC and more.

#Goodfellas #RayLiotta #Chantix #Comics #Marvel #DC #Cigarettes #Juul #Vaping #WoodyHarrelson #Zombieland #Je eisen b #LexLuthor #KevinSpacey #Superman #Vegan #Thanksgiving #MapleSyrup #SantaClaus #MattRyan #NFL #Saints #AtlantaFalcons #RiseUp #FantasyFootball #MCU #Disney #ComicBooks #SpiderMan #IronMan #DonnaRice

Check out The Wilder Ride podcast!
