Winter storm watch, Championship game previews, betting strategy, Underdog roll, a big bet, and more...

Jan 17, 2019, 02:19 PM


Mike Blewitt and Dane Martinez open the show with the guys agreeing it may be freezing in Kansas City on Sunday, but New York may be just as bad, if not worse. The guys talk about how the weather will be a big factor in the AFC Championship, but wonder if the nasty weather will hurt or help the AFC winner, who gets to play in a dome in Atlanta. Mike and Dane talk about how no matter the match-up, the Super Bowl will have any of the top four highest scoring teams of the season. Mike and Dane give some betting strategies, including putting money on both Chiefs and Patriots. Mike and Dane agree the funniest thing is that the Patriots are playing in to the underdog roll, especially how no one really doubts the Patriots. The guys look at some prop bets for Championship Weekend, wondering if Rex Burkhead or Tom Brady is more likely to rush for two touchdowns. In the NFC game, Mike talks about how Drew Brees is close to a playoff record, but may not make it if the Saints game plan goes through running Alvin Kamara and Mark Ingram. Dane and Mike question if they should put $25 on James Develin to score two touchdowns at a crazy high betting rate. 

#FNTSY #NFL #ChampionshipWeekend #AFC #NFC #Saints #Rams #Chiefs #Patriots #TomBrady #RexBurkhead #JulianEdelman #DrewBrees #AlvinKamara #MarkIngram #JaredGoff #ToddGurley #Gronk #JamesDevelin #AntonioBrown