Production Designer - Anna Pritchard
Season 1, Episode 19, Jan 23, 2019, 07:00 AM
This week’s guest is the infectiously enthusiastic Production Designer, Anna Pritchard. Anna initially trained as a goldsmith jeweller as a practical way to stay close to her desire to be a sculptor. She found herself making objects and props for films and made her way to Los Angeles to work for Paramount Studios for a number of years. During this time she discovered the Production Design department and loved the diversity of the roles within it. She returned to the UK and completed a Masters in Production Design at Kingston University and worked her way up through the ranks starting out as a runner at the age of 31. Anna is a force of energy - owing to this being a podcast and the inability to visually witness her gesturally animated descriptions, you can definitely hear them transmitted through her wonderful jewellery as she describes her love of the job and passion for learning. She has worked on many well know and large productions from Amazon’s Vanity Fair series to the BBC’s Top Boy. She breaks down exactly how a film and tv Production Design department works, what are the roles and what skills you require.
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