February 2019 Comics Blowout - 4-Panel Vol. 2, Issue 23
It's the end of the month, which means it's time for our new regular feature where we stare at the mountain of comics, graphic novels, manga and trade paperbacks, and try to cover as many as possible in one episode!
Can we do it? Maybe.
Will we get injured? Probably.
Will the mountain still be there afterwards, silently judging us? Most definitely.
As for the very minor dent we made in the cartoonishly large pile of comics, that was made up of Sword Daughter: She Brightly Burns by Brian Wood and Mack Chater, Multiple Man: It All Makes Sense In The End, The Immortal Hulk: Or Is He Both?, Iron Fist: Phantom Limb, Marvel 2-In-1: The Thing & The Human Torch - Next Of Kin, Thor: God Of Thunder Reborn, and X-23: Family Album.
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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!
#4Panel #TheGeekShow #News #Comics #Manga #Reviews #Podcasts #GraphicNovels #Superheroes #DarjHorse #Marvel #SwordDaughter #SheBrightlyBurns #MultipleMan #ItAllMakesSenseInTheEnd #TheImmortalHulk #OrIsHeBoth #IronFist #PhantomLimb #Marvel2in1 #TwoInOne #TheThing #TheHumanTorch #NectOfKin #FateOfTheFour #FantasticFour #Thor #GodOfThunderReborn #X23 #HoneyBadger #Wolverine #FamilyAlbum