068 | Crowdfunded Publishing & Linda Reads
Ever thought of crowdfunding your novel, literary festival or collection of short stories? This week we talk to people who have done all three, also Xander Cansell from Unbound. We have a guest 'Name The Novel', Linda reads from her Work In Progress and Nicola attempts to explain internal & external story values. Sharing the books on their bedside tables are Theresa and Patsy Collins.
Write Club The Podcast is a weekly show for aspiring writers, published authors and readers everywhere. Join Stephanie Rouse, Theresa Stoker, Heather Worsley, Linda Jack Werlein, Pat Woolfe & Nicola Cairncross each week where they'll share guest readings and interviews, along with what they're reading, what they're writing and what it's really like to be an aspiring writer. You can join in the weekly "Name the Novel" quiz and find out "What's On The Bedside Table?".