Alien Abduction Researcher - Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald

Apr 01, 2019, 03:36 AM

"This is the Key to Life. To balance with ones emotions is to make a DELIBERATE choice and feel comfortable, satisfied and content about the choice."

Laurie talked about meeting experiencers across the globe - even traveling to China to connect with experiencers {Where her phone data was removed}.

As more people come forward with their stories, it is clear that there are no definitive answers - just more questions. Number of people affected? Purpose?  

Her goal is to help empower experiencers and others who are gob-smacked in the face of a reality we are told cannot exist and made to feel silly and naïve for suggesting otherwise. 

A problem she sees as a growing issue? Inappropriate contact.

Paranormal Stress and Hypnotherapy - One of the main issues with a first time paranormal experience is there is no prior information for the subconscious to draw from, What once was simple now becomes confusing, a-flush of chemicals and having multifaceted physiological symptoms that are often accompanied by feelings of betrayal, one certainly has reached a state of distress. 

Contact Laurie at True You Hypnotherapy (Image credit)

Wendy's Coffeehouse blog - Continued.