
Episode 53,   Mar 31, 2019, 01:09 PM

Finding a way fo drop our defences in the face of feedback from others. A conversation and dignity in relationships with Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.

In this episode we take up the enormous possibilities that come when we can find a way to drop our defences in the face of feedback from other people, and whatever gift may be hidden within while maintaining our own dignity and the dignity of the other while we do.

Along the way we laugh together at how messy we can be as human beings, the cost of walking around in life with our defences up all the time, and the kindness we have to show to ourselves if we are going to allow ourselves to open to the wonders that can be learned from other people.

The source which is our leaping-off point is written specially for us by Lizzie.

Turning Towards Life is a weekly live 30 minute conversation hosted by Thirdspace in which Justin Wise and Lizzie Winn dive deep into big questions of human living. You can find the source text and more information on this conversation at https://wp.me/p4Tynu-bH and find more, including details about how to join us live, on our website http://turningtowards.life

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash