Out Now Bonus: The 8th Annual Summer Movie Gamble

Apr 23, 2019, 12:03 AM


This week’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe finds everyone making their predictions as we’re all in the endgame now. Abe and Aaron are joined by Mark Hobin, Scott Mendelson, and Jose Cordova for the 8th Annual Summer Movie Gamble, the biggest one yet. Avengers will likely triumph again but by how much? Will the true Lion King rule a lot of the summer? Is the return of Spider-Man enough to fool Detective Pikachu? Aladdin? The group goes over their picks for what they believe will be the top ten highest grossing films of the summer, along with plenty of other thoughts about the upcoming summer movie season. There is lots of chatter about what to expect in this summer preview that doubles as an intense competition starter. So now, if you’ve got an hour or so to kill…

#SummerMovies #Podcast #OutNow #AvengersEndgame #DetectivePikachu #Godzilla #Spiderman #ToyStory4 #Aladdin #TheLionKing #MIBInternational #DarkPhoenix #HobbsAndShaw #SecretLifeOfPets2 #Rocketman JohnWick3 #SummerMovieGamble #OutNowWithAaronAndAbe #Film #Movies #Contest