126- Pretty Day For A Picnic
Amy thought the weather was going to ruin one of her favorite national holidays.. but Lacey surprised her with an on location picnic!
Listen to the first ever live broadcast, complete with mama's food, feet-shaming, lippy hippie requests, Easter happenings and heroes, and more!
Thanks for all of the love and support! Please chime in at any time on the socials. @looselipsandchildbearinghips, @looselipships, @kiddnationtoasterchroncials. We would love your comments and feedback.. and you may even hear us discussing it!
Plus, don't forget to ASK AMY ANYTHING! That's coming soon!
Thank you for listening!
#picnic #nationalpicnicday #rollerderby #askmeanything #drunkmom #dontjudge #easter #stanleycup #gameofthrones #footshame