Out Now 366: Dark Phoenix

Jun 13, 2019, 09:22 AM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is all about mutants, the key to our evolution. Aaron and Abe are joined by Eric Eisenberg and Luke Thompson to go over Dark Phoenix, presumably the final chapter in the original X-Men franchise produced by Fox. Listen in to hear our various takes on this film, along with thoughts on upcoming films, listener questions, and more. Among the topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody (7:27), Out Now Quickies™ (12:50), some Trailer Talk for Ad Astra (28:37), the main review (35:21), Games (1:27:00), and Out Now Feedback (1:36:39). We then wrap things up (2:02:51) and have some bloopers (2:12:45) following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill...

Show Notes:
[The purpose of this section is to highlight areas mentioned or referenced during the show.]
#darkphoenix #jeangrey #professorX #xmen #comicbookmovie #jamesmcavoy #michaelfassbender #jenniferlawrence #jessicachastain #sophieturner #simonkinberg #adastra #bradpitt #batman #thelastblackmaninsanfrancisco #superheroes #film #entertainment #outnowpodcast #aaronandabe #outnowwithaaronandabe #movies #moviereview