Neuropathic Pain 1 of 2: Targeted pain management programmes

Episode 115,   Jul 02, 2019, 08:00 AM


Understanding the differences between neuropathic and non-neuropathic pain, and the varied responses they demand.

In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul investigates the ideas behind Pain Management Programmes, and highlights the importance of the patient in shaping their own treatment.

Internationally recognised Professor Srinivasa Raja speaks to Paul about the differences between nociceptive and neuropathic pain, as well as the complexities of chronic pain and its management.

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Clare Daniel examines the psychological and social components of chronic pain. She discusses the important role of the cognitive behavioural model in Pain Management Programmes.

Paul speaks to lead physiotherapist Diarmuid Denneny about the importance of the patient in determining the appropriate response to their pain, by taking into account their life and personal aspirations.

Finally, Cameron Rashide, a patient with neuropathic pain among other conditions, speaks of the pain management technique ‘pacing’ and how she has learnt to manage her pain through pushing herself ever so slightly outside her comfort zone.


  • Dr Clare Daniel, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Diarmuid Denneny,Physiotherapy Lead at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Pain Management Centre in London
  • Professor Srinivasa Raja, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA
  • Cameron Rashide, person living with pain.
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