BigBlue Broadband, C4X Discovery and Alan Green on 5 stocks

Episode 1437,   Jun 25, 2019, 12:25 PM


Bigblu Broadband provide a trading update. C4X Discovery discuss their collaboration with PhoreMost. Alan Green talks about Bidstack, Tiziana Life Sciences, RA International, IMC Exploration & Thomas Cook Group.

On the Vox Markets Podcast Today: 25th June 2019

Andrew Walwyn, CEO of Bigblu Broadband #BBB provides a trading update which has shown continued improvement across all financial and operating metrics.

Dr Craig Fox, Chief Scientific Officer of C4X Discovery #C4XD discusses their collaboration with PhoreMost to accelerate Parkinson's Disease drug discovery pipeline.
(Interview starts at 10 minutes 15 seconds)

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about:Bidstack #BIDS Tiziana Life Sciences #TILS RA International #RAI IMC Exploration #IMCP Thomas Cook Group #TCG
(Interview starts at 31 minutes 48 seconds)

Plus the Top 5 Most Followed Companies & the Top 5 Most Liked RNS’s on Vox Markets in the last 24 hours.

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