Departure Lounge with Ange - Type 1 Foundation

Episode 318,   Jul 18, 2019, 05:51 AM

The Type1 Foundation raises money to fund family support events and activities that provide invaluable support and connection to families living with Type1 Diabetes. 

From diagnosis right throughout the journey, The Type1 Foundation is available to support individuals and their families for no cost.

A Type1 Diabetes diagnosis can be both traumatic for an individual and it changes a life instantly, often in ways you wouldn’t expect. 

The impact can be felt right through family and friends. As much as you try, the diagnosis, and the disease can take over your life.

During National Diabetes Week, Founder and CEO Ange Liston-McCaughley checked into the Departure Lounge in hope of selling 1000 beanies to support those living with Type 1.