Out Now 381: Gemini Man

Oct 15, 2019, 07:32 AM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe wants to save you from yourself. Aaron and Abe are joined by Markus Robinson of Movies Markus and Scott Nye from Battleship Pretention and CriterionCast to discuss Ang Lee’s Gemini Man, starring Will Smith and Will Smith. As a film designed to be seen on the big screen in 120 fps and in 3D, there was a lot to discuss regarding how the film handles these filmmaking aspects, along with plenty more movie talk. Among the topics covered, there’s a fun round of Know Everybody (10:45), Out Now Quickies™ (16:34), Trailer Talk for The Irishman (28:30), the main review (34:08), Games (1:12:45), and Out Now Feedback (1:27:25). The gang then wraps things up (1:38:30), with a blooper (1:49:19) following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill...

#GeminiMan #WillSmith #AngLee #MovieReview #Podcast #CliveOwen #MaryElizabethWinstead #BenedictWong #Clones #ScienceFiction #Movie #Film #Entertainment #HighFrameRate #3D #JerryBruckheimer #TheIrishman #BadBoys2 #BoxOffice #ElCamino