"The Caregivers" w/ Lon Kieffer. Airs Monday's at 1pm ET w/ Pamela Renee Whitmore Urnowey
Season 1, Episode 3051, Oct 21, 2019, 09:03 PM
"The Caregivers" w/ Lon Kieffer. Lon's guest this week is Pamela Renee Whitmore Urnowey (PRO-PER Caregiver, Home Health)
Pam is the kind of gal… little girl, that at the age of 9 started as a volunteer visiting nursing homes with her church youth group; would later see her grandmother move into that same nursing home and then she herself would pursue a multi-dimensional career in business offices, business development and general operations and management all with health-care and Caring organizations. She is now the Director of Business and Resource Management with Home Instead Senior Care in Annapolis, a mother of three boys and grandmother of 4 (or 5?) grandchildren but most of all… she is a Caregiver.
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