Diversity in running | Part 2 | Charlie Dark - Run Dem Crew
Episode 117, Dec 12, 2019, 01:42 PM
This week's podcast is an extended interview with DJ, Lululemon Running Ambassador and head honcho at Run Dem Crew, Charlie Dark.
Shaun asks Charlie about his route into running and how Run Dem Crew started, and the ways in which we can improve diversity - be it class, gender, race, or otherwise in the world of running.
Let us know your thoughts on the interview. Is our sport closed? Are we too white and middle class? Should we care? Email us on getintouch@letsgetrunning.co.uk, call the WhatsApp line +31612679529 and leave a message or follow us on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
Buy merch at the shop.
Shaun asks Charlie about his route into running and how Run Dem Crew started, and the ways in which we can improve diversity - be it class, gender, race, or otherwise in the world of running.
Let us know your thoughts on the interview. Is our sport closed? Are we too white and middle class? Should we care? Email us on getintouch@letsgetrunning.co.uk, call the WhatsApp line +31612679529 and leave a message or follow us on Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
Buy merch at the shop.
Lastly, don't forget to rate and review on iTunes.