Attack Of The Phallocratic Entryists - Literary Loitering 114
Dec 15, 2019, 12:00 AM
Donald Trump Jr. has apparently been upholding the family’s traditional methods of inflating book sales figures, which we really should have expected so I’m not sure why anyone’s surprised anymore.
On the other hand, somebody hiding LGBTQ, gun control, “women’s fiction”, and anti-Trump books in a public library in Idaho is surprisingly devious.
In other news, it’s Work In Publishing week so expect a lot of unpaid internships (I.e. volunteers), a case of unreturned children’s books spirals wildly out of control, John Bercow will publish a new candid memoir about his time as Speaker for the House Of Commons, Collins dictionary release their word of the year and much more.
On the other hand, somebody hiding LGBTQ, gun control, “women’s fiction”, and anti-Trump books in a public library in Idaho is surprisingly devious.
In other news, it’s Work In Publishing week so expect a lot of unpaid internships (I.e. volunteers), a case of unreturned children’s books spirals wildly out of control, John Bercow will publish a new candid memoir about his time as Speaker for the House Of Commons, Collins dictionary release their word of the year and much more.
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