Ep3 - Vicki Connerty: Finding Light In The Dark (A Survival Story)

Season 1,   Dec 16, 2019, 06:00 AM


This week my guest is Vicki Connerty - award-winning playwright, cancer survivor and, as you'll hear, a wonderful raconteur.

Welcome to the third episode of The Mojo Podcast - thank you for listening.

This week my guest is Vicki Connerty - award-winning playwright, cancer survivor and, as you'll hear, a wonderful raconteur.

We cover a lot of ground in this episode - growing up in the 1980s, first jobs in London, losing her father to cancer, moving to Australia, being diagnosed with cancer and using all of this experience to become a published playwright.

That might sound like a tough listen, but what you'll hear is Vicki's quite astonishing ability to find the light in the dark, to be positive and harness this positivity to fuel both her recovery and to rediscover her love of writing. She also found her writing voice and you'll hear plenty of her trade-mark dark comedy. There is also some tremendous personal finance advice!

I think there maybe the odd F-bomb in this episiode hence it's been marked explicit to be on the safe side.

If you want to join the Fellowship of the Ringlets or just read more about Vicki's story then head to https://www.facebook.com/groups/fellowshipoftheringlets/ orwww.fellowshipoftheringlets.com

Her debut play 'Come Die With Me' has just been published within an anthology of brilliant female-centric short plays. Go to the website below and enter code HUM19 at checkout for 20% discount. A Christmas treat indeed!

If you're on instagram - you can find Vicki @vickiconnerty 

I really hope you enjoy this episode as much I as enjoyed recording it. Please do keep the feedback coming in the form of your fabulous reviews on Apple Podcasts.
Have a great week
Richard x

The Mojo Podcast
Hosted (and edited!) by executive coach Richard Stokes

#mojo #podcast #stories #change #survival #cancer #whatstheworstthatcanhappen