November 2019 Comics And Manga Blowout - 4-Panel Vol. 2, Issue 59

Season 2, Episode 59,   Dec 17, 2019, 03:31 PM

As we head into the end of 2019 we’ve got just enough time to cram in a few more comics, so this week it’s time for another of our semi-regular dives into the big pile of comics.

So what did we fish up this week? There’s the first volume of the manga adaptation of Bakemonogatari by Nisio Isin with art by Oh! Great, Our Encounters With Evil: Adventures of Professor J. T. Meinhardt and His Assistant Mr. Knox, Ms. Marvel: Destined, the second volume of Magus Of The Library by Mitsu Izumi, Fate/ Grand Order - Mortalis: Stella by Type-Moon and Shiramine, Star Wars: TIE Fighter, Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History, and Black Hammer '45: From The World Of Black Hammer.

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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!

#4Panel #TheGeekShow #News #Comics #Manga #Reviews #Podcasts #GraphicNovels #Superheroes #Bakemonogatari #NisioIsin #OhGreat #OurEncountersWithEvil #MikeMignola #Hellboy #AdventuresOfProfessorJTMeinhardtAndHisAssistantMrKnox #MsMarvel #KamalaKhan #Destined #MagusOfTheLibrary #FateGrandOrder #MortalisStella #TypeMoon #FateStayNight #StarWars #TIEFighter #CosmicGhostRiderDestroysMarvelHistory #DarkHorse #Marvel #BlackHammer