Agent Provocateur
Season 4, Episode 13, Dec 19, 2019, 02:56 PM
It's the most magical time of the year at #ManxFootyPod Towers as we are visited by the one, the only Agent Rashid.
As well as bringing his own range of merchandise with him, Ramsey's third most famous resident tests our knowledge of #ManxFootball with a very special quiz. 'Manx Football Mastermind' and 'Play Your Manx Footballing Appearances Right' are just two of the rounds in the Christmas's must-listen-to quiz.
If that wasn't enough excitement for one episode, there's also a look ahead to the last fixtures of the year, #CombiCorner and find out who has won a limited-edition Agent Rashid mug.
As well as bringing his own range of merchandise with him, Ramsey's third most famous resident tests our knowledge of #ManxFootball with a very special quiz. 'Manx Football Mastermind' and 'Play Your Manx Footballing Appearances Right' are just two of the rounds in the Christmas's must-listen-to quiz.
If that wasn't enough excitement for one episode, there's also a look ahead to the last fixtures of the year, #CombiCorner and find out who has won a limited-edition Agent Rashid mug.