"Cinema Clash" w/ Charlie Juhl and Hannah Buchdahl 1-19-20

Season 1, Episode 3251,   Jan 20, 2020, 03:16 PM

On this edition of The Cinema Clash: The BAD BOYS are back for one last ride – yeah right; DOLITTLE does little, but the kids will like it; TROOP ZERO salutes a misfit girl hero; and LES MISÉRABLES lays bare an impoverished Paris suburb spinning out of control. Plus, the Academy Award nominations and what they might portend for Oscar night.

Maryland-based critics Charlie Juhl and Hannah Buchdahl debate the merits of new releases, from the mainstream movies that Hannah tends to favor, to obscure foreign films that Charlie likes to champion. It’s free-flowing, unedited conversation, with the occasional wine wager. Two very different perspectives. One entertaining podcast. Let the clash begin!

#CharlieJuhl #HannahBuchdahl #clickflixnet #tampaBay #Radio #RadioStPete #movies #@moviereviews #filmreviews #badboysforlife #oscars #academyawards #willsmith #martinlawrence #dolittle #troopzero