Vadim Alexandre on Polarean Imaging and Alan Green on 1 fund, 2 stocks
Episode 1725, Jan 29, 2020, 01:42 PM
Vadim Alexandre, Head of Healthcare at SP Angel discusses Polarean Imaging #POLX who released positive results from its pivotal Phase III Clinical Trials Alan Green talks about: Bluefield Solar Income Fund, Cranswick & Astrazeneca.
On the Vox Markets Podcast Today:
Vadim Alexandre discusses Polarean Imaging #POLX
Alan Green on Bluefield Solar Income Fund #BSIF Cranswick #CWK Astrazeneca #AZN
Vadim Alexandre, Head of Healthcare at SP Angel discusses Polarean Imaging #POLX who released positive results from its pivotal Phase III Clinical Trials
Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about: Bluefield Solar Income Fund #BSIF Cranswick #CWK Astrazeneca #AZN
(Interview starts at 14 minutes 54 seconds)
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