The Reset Rebel meets island resident Mojo Coach, Richard Stokes

Episode 71,   Jan 31, 2020, 02:36 PM

This week Jo Youle experiences a full blown Dry January Rebellion.
Anyone else feeling like this has been a super long month?
Well, congratulations on making it right here to the 31st and a hugely Happy Friday to you and wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead.

In todays podcast we are talking about intentions with our Ex London Ad Exec Guest, Richard Stokes, who is fairly new to the island, but through his Mojo Development coaching work he helps others reach their goals and find their true Dharma in life. Our purpose. 

Richard is also a very generous man and is offering, in the true spirit of this podcast to give a little back. 

He told us that instead of resolutions he created "9 intentions that I want to stay true to becuause they help my Mojo. One of those intentions is to give back more to the beautiful island I call home. So I’d like to offer some of my coaching expertise to help a charity or a not for profit that directly or indirectly supports Ibiza.  If you’re looking for some help to solve a problem, work out some goals for the year or improve a relationship please do apply and have a free of charge 60 minutes face to face or Skype call coaching session." 

Pop us a line to claim this gift with Richard on: 
Follow us on Instagram: @theresetrebel. 

#ibiza #coaching #dharma #purpose #love