520: The Friendly Hijacker and The Careless Kidnapper | This is your FBI [OTR]

Episode 526,   Feb 03, 2020, 12:00 AM

The Friendly Hijacker and The Careless Kidnapper | This is your FBI [OTR]
✍What's on today✍
Welcome my connoisseurs of stories and tales and today folks I bring you Old Time Radio episodes, of course, but this time from the “This is your FBI” series. I wanted to shake it up for you lovelies, and the quality in these episodes are quiet good. Which means I’m able to really push the audio to it’s limits. Today I’ve done something a little different, I’ve stripped out Reverb that should be there, bumps and thuds in the audio where possible, and add a new tool to get rid of the static noise.I think it did a really good job of cutting out that noise actually, but you can be the judge. 🎵
☕ Right now I’m drinking Madura Premium Blend, which is basically Black Tea for $5 dollars. There is no description for this tea, not even online, but let me describe to you: Madura tea is smooth, dark, and tastes slightly roasted.
Drink it with or without milk, either way, it’s bloody delicious. Think Earl Grey meets Russian Caravan folks, minus bergamot, and the extremely strong flavour of Russian Caravan. Imagine a happy medium where both those flavours meet. BAM, you have Madura Premium Blend. And for $5 per 50 tea bags…it’s gota be one of my staple teas mates. Now listeners, your first tale The Friendly Highjacker and your second tale The Careless Kidnapper are just around the corner
So this week will have the usually creepy content to, and I'll have a special gift for my Patreon supporters :)
Cheers mates!
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Help me with an iTunes Review:
⚡⚡The Oud Night Tea Titans | Donate $100+ per month
#1: Mathew J Bower 💜💜
#2: Mayah 🐲🐲
WHITE TEA WARLORDS 👑👑👑| Donate $30+ per month
🐮 #1: I Own Cows 🐮
💪 #2: Lee Bower 💪
☕☕☕ | Donate $5+ per month
My Earl Grey Supporters:
Chad Warren
Lorraine Cresanto
Page Marchini
Peter Raffaelli
Michael Angelo Yacone
Robert Fisher
Tasha Moncrief
Source: www.zootradio.com
📧Send me your stories, feedback and more📧
Show Links:
🏠Website: www.storiesfablesghost.wixsite.com/storiesfables
✉Email: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
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Copyright Information:
All Radio episodes remastered are in the Public Domain unless notified otherwise.
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