Brighton (UK) music scene Podcast - Sounds From The Ziggurat Episode 10
Season 2, Episode 3, Mar 27, 2020, 07:45 PM
Episode ten of Sounds From The Ziggurat Podcast.
This episode comes to you from Corona Virus isolation! I don't actually have it (yet) but due to the asthma I've had throughout my life, I'm on the list of people who shouldn't be going anywhere!
Hopefully this means a few meatier episodes of the Podcast to come!
Hopefully this means a few meatier episodes of the Podcast to come!
This episode features tracks from -
Bad Mother Folker
Naked Ape
Uncle The Ill Figure
Intro and outro music by Rise Of The Ziggurat
Background and incidental music by Rise Of The Ziggurat & Torrid (A Love Affair.)
Thanks for your support and for listening.