Rj Akki in conversation with Dubai Couple runs 42KMs in their 20 metre Balcony during Home Qurantine #BalconyMarathon

Episode 281,   Apr 09, 2020, 07:51 PM


A South African couple who ran a marathon on the balcony of their Dubai apartment, streaming it online, plan to take the project global to help people shake off the coronavirus blues. Collin Allin, 41, and wife Hilda covered the 42.2-kilometre (26-mile) distance by running more than 2,100 laps of their 20-metre (yard) long balcony from dawn. A stopwatch provided by the couple shows they covered the distance in five hours, nine minutes and 39 seconds. Rj Akki interviewed this Couple and talked about the whole Story.

#Dubai #Couple #lockdown #QurantineTime #Covid19 #Corona #Redfmindia #Rjakki #Redfm #Pune