Sophie Hellyer: Honesty & Integrity For Yourself - Ep 147

Apr 16, 2020, 04:00 AM

On this episode I’m joined by Sophie Hellyer who is a surfer, cold water swimmer, yoga teacher and environmental & feminist activist.

What I love about Sophie is that she perfectly encapsulates the world we are living in now where she doesn’t just do one thing. And she lets her passions in surfing and swimming lead the way for the topics she’s passionate about such as the environment and equality for women.

During this conversation, we spoke about:
- Lifestyle changes we can all make to help better the environment
- Negative effect of Self judgement
- Benefits of cold water swimming
- A shocking discovery about tampons

If there is someone you feel would benefit from hearing this conversation then please make sure you share it with a friend who would enjoy listening and really take something from it :)

Follow Sophie:
IG: @sophiehellyer

Follow Alex:
IG: @iamalexmanzi
Twitter: @iamalexmanzi