Conversations with Oscar Rewind: Manchester by the Sea

Season 3, Episode 117,   Jul 01, 2020, 05:00 AM

Manchester by the Sea may not be everyone's cup of tea (I will never tell if the rhyme was intentional or not) but after this viewing we have a better understanding of its nominations. Also, we are not fans of Casey Affleck, and ya know, Time's Up, and his performance here was nuanced and quiet and fitting for this story HOWEVER BEST ACTOR SHOULD HAVE GONE TO DENZEL WASHINGTON! 

Did you like Manchester by the Sea? Were the 12 minutes Michelle Williams had worthy of a nomination? Tell us what you think over on Twitter and Instagram @wehavethoughts3

#Oscars #BestPicture #CaseyAffleck #MichelleWilliams #ManchesterByTheSea #DenzelWashington #Oscars2017 #ConversationsWithOscarRewind #TheOscars #AcademyAwards