Eben Upton: The Raspberry Pi's Retro Legacy - The Retro Hour EP231
Episode 231, Jul 03, 2020, 12:37 AM
We chat to Raspberry Pi creator Eben Upton about how the Pi has followed in the footsteps of the BBC Micro, the coolest retro uses he has seen and his history in computing.
Raspberry Pi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/
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Show notes:
Shakedown Hawaii comes to Wii:
New PS2 boot disc hack: https://bit.ly/3eQkLcJ
Pi Commander Flight Sim: https://bit.ly/2NPxCjv
Vic 20 remake coming in October: https://bit.ly/38ks5Lk
Civilization Gandhi Rage: https://bit.ly/3gn0OdT
Please visit our amazing sponsors and help to support the show:
The Gymshark community is devoted to unlocking your potential, visit them at: https://www.gymshark.com/TheRetroHour
We need your help to ensure the future of the podcast, if you'd like to donate to our 'build a studio' fund:
Get your Retro Hour merchandise: https://bit.ly/33OWBKd
Thanks to our amazing donators this week: Chris Hull, Kaniih, Olly Dean, Raymond Montalban, Terje Høiback
Join our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/GQw8qp8
Website: http://theretrohour.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/retrohouruk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/retrohouruk/
Show notes:
Shakedown Hawaii comes to Wii:
New PS2 boot disc hack: https://bit.ly/3eQkLcJ
Pi Commander Flight Sim: https://bit.ly/2NPxCjv
Vic 20 remake coming in October: https://bit.ly/38ks5Lk
Civilization Gandhi Rage: https://bit.ly/3gn0OdT