Ep 019 - Unabashed With Neha Pant and Abhijit Bhaduri

Episode 19,   Aug 24, 2020, 06:00 AM

Does your Boss Influence your Career?
Good bosses make us realize our true potential, bad ones put us in self-doubt and leave us hating the job. Bosses can make all the difference yet most organizations assume that managing people is something everyone 'just learns'. 

"There is no relationship in the workplace more powerful than the one between people managers and employees," said SHRM CEO Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. 

There are 3 situations where having a skilled boss can make a difference. 
One of them is about your ability to deliver "bad news" - without blaming it on someone else. So what are the other two scenarios?

 In the opening episode of UNABASHED, Neha Pant (Senior Knowledge Advisor, SHRM India) and Abhijit Bhaduri (Coach, Talent Management Advisor, and Author) have a candid conversation about what makes one boss better than the rest. 

It is a difficult topic on which all of us have opinions. 
This is an unabashed conversation you cannot miss!
Use #unabashed on social media if you want to connect.