Out Now Bonus: Fall Film Festivals 2020

Sep 28, 2020, 11:42 PM

This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is getting into the spirit of award season. In this two-part episode, Aaron and Abe are first joined by Next Best Picture’s Matt Neglia to discuss the Toronto International Film Festival and the New York Film Festival. The group goes over the experience 2020 has led to as far as virtually attending such major cinematic events, the value of the festival in this form, and more. Then, Firstshowing.net’s Alex Billing joins in to discuss what it was like to attend 2020’s Venice International Film Festival, the measures taken, and more. Both segments highlight a number of films as well, allowing everyone the chance to highlight upcoming features and filmmakers deserving high praise. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill...

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