Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Episode 7,   Oct 20, 2020, 07:40 PM


Richard and Kyle revisit Roger Rabbit, the film Zemeckis was born to make!

Roger Rabbit officially kicks off his reputation as a visual effects director. The technical craft in this film is so impressive you have to remind yourself that the rabbit is not real. But beyond the special effects, this film also represents the sum of all of his directorial tendencies to date. It’s subversive, naughty, and hilarious while threading the needle tonally between a bleak film noir and a cartoon for kids. 

A big part of that tonal control comes via Alan Silvestri’s impressive score, and to celebrate Bob Z’s most frequent collaborator, Richard and Kyle welcome to the show Brian Satterwhite, a composer and film score historian. 

Available where podcasts are available! Link in bio.
by @ole_richie @mrkylebogart ft. special guest @bmsatter